Personalized chatbots focus on endowing the chatbots with a consistent personality to behave like real users and further act as personal assistants. Previous studies have explored generating implicit user profiles from the user's dialogue history for building personalized chatbots. However, these studies only use the response generation loss to train the entire model, thus it is prone to suffer from the problem of data sparsity. Besides, they overemphasize the final generated response's quality while ignoring the correlations and fusions between the user's dialogue history, leading to rough data representations and performance degradation. To tackle these problems, we propose a self-supervised learning framework MCP for capturing better representations from users' dialogue history for personalized chatbots. Specifically, we apply contrastive sampling methods to leverage the supervised signals hidden in user dialog history, and generate the pre-training samples for enhancing the model. We design three pre-training tasks based on three types of contrastive pairs from user dialogue history, namely response pairs, sequence augmentation pairs, and user pairs. We pre-train the utterance encoder and the history encoder towards the contrastive objectives and use these pre-trained encoders for generating user profiles while personalized response generation. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show a significant improvement in our proposed model MCP compared with the existing methods.
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蒙面图像建模(MIM)在各种视觉任务上取得了令人鼓舞的结果。但是,学到的表示形式的有限可区分性表现出来,使一个更强大的视力学习者还有很多值得一试。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了对比度蒙面的自动编码器(CMAE),这是一种新的自我监督的预训练方法,用于学习更全面和有能力的视觉表示。通过详细统一的对比度学习(CL)和掩盖图像模型(MIM),CMAE利用了它们各自的优势,并以强大的实例可辨别性和局部的可感知来学习表示形式。具体而言,CMAE由两个分支组成,其中在线分支是不对称的编码器编码器,而目标分支是动量更新的编码器。在培训期间,在线编码器从蒙面图像的潜在表示中重建了原始图像,以学习整体特征。馈送完整图像的目标编码器通过其在线学习通过对比度学习增强了功能可区分性。为了使CL与MIM兼容,CMAE引入了两个新组件,即用于生成合理的正视图和特征解码器的像素移位,以补充对比度对的特征。多亏了这些新颖的设计,CMAE可以有效地提高了MIM对应物的表示质量和转移性能。 CMAE在图像分类,语义分割和对象检测的高度竞争基准上实现了最先进的性能。值得注意的是,CMAE-BASE在Imagenet上获得了$ 85.3 \%$ $ TOP-1的准确性和$ 52.5 \%$ MIOU的ADE20K,分别超过了$ 0.7 \%\%$ $和$ 1.8 \%$ $。代码将公开可用。
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We study joint learning of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Transformer for vision-language pre-training (VLPT) which aims to learn cross-modal alignments from millions of image-text pairs. State-of-the-art approaches extract salient image regions and align regions with words step-by-step. As region-based visual features usually represent parts of an image, it is challenging for existing visionlanguage models to fully understand the semantics from paired natural languages. In this paper, we propose SOHO to "See Out of tHe bOx" that takes a whole image as input, and learns vision-language representation in an endto-end manner. SOHO does not require bounding box annotations which enables inference 10 times faster than regionbased approaches. In particular, SOHO learns to extract comprehensive yet compact image features through a visual dictionary (VD) that facilitates cross-modal understanding. VD is designed to represent consistent visual abstractions of similar semantics. It is updated on-the-fly and utilized in our proposed pre-training task Masked Visual Modeling (MVM). We conduct experiments on four well-established vision-language tasks by following standard VLPT settings. In particular, SOHO achieves absolute gains of 2.0% R@1 score on MSCOCO text retrieval 5k test split, 1.5% accuracy on NLVR 2 test-P split, 6.7% accuracy on SNLI-VE test split, respectively.
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In this paper, we develop an efficient multi-scale network to predict action classes in partial videos in an end-to-end manner. Unlike most existing methods with offline feature generation, our method directly takes frames as input and further models motion evolution on two different temporal scales.Therefore, we solve the complexity problems of the two stages of modeling and the problem of insufficient temporal and spatial information of a single scale. Our proposed End-to-End MultiScale Network (E2EMSNet) is composed of two scales which are named segment scale and observed global scale. The segment scale leverages temporal difference over consecutive frames for finer motion patterns by supplying 2D convolutions. For observed global scale, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is incorporated to capture motion features of observed frames. Our model provides a simple and efficient modeling framework with a small computational cost. Our E2EMSNet is evaluated on three challenging datasets: BIT, HMDB51, and UCF101. The extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for action prediction in videos.
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Future work sentences (FWS) are the particular sentences in academic papers that contain the author's description of their proposed follow-up research direction. This paper presents methods to automatically extract FWS from academic papers and classify them according to the different future directions embodied in the paper's content. FWS recognition methods will enable subsequent researchers to locate future work sentences more accurately and quickly and reduce the time and cost of acquiring the corpus. The current work on automatic identification of future work sentences is relatively small, and the existing research cannot accurately identify FWS from academic papers, and thus cannot conduct data mining on a large scale. Furthermore, there are many aspects to the content of future work, and the subdivision of the content is conducive to the analysis of specific development directions. In this paper, Nature Language Processing (NLP) is used as a case study, and FWS are extracted from academic papers and classified into different types. We manually build an annotated corpus with six different types of FWS. Then, automatic recognition and classification of FWS are implemented using machine learning models, and the performance of these models is compared based on the evaluation metrics. The results show that the Bernoulli Bayesian model has the best performance in the automatic recognition task, with the Macro F1 reaching 90.73%, and the SCIBERT model has the best performance in the automatic classification task, with the weighted average F1 reaching 72.63%. Finally, we extract keywords from FWS and gain a deep understanding of the key content described in FWS, and we also demonstrate that content determination in FWS will be reflected in the subsequent research work by measuring the similarity between future work sentences and the abstracts.
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Most recent studies on neural constituency parsing focus on encoder structures, while few developments are devoted to decoders. Previous research has demonstrated that probabilistic statistical methods based on syntactic rules are particularly effective in constituency parsing, whereas syntactic rules are not used during the training of neural models in prior work probably due to their enormous computation requirements. In this paper, we first implement a fast CKY decoding procedure harnessing GPU acceleration, based on which we further derive a syntactic rule-based (rule-constrained) CKY decoding. In the experiments, our method obtains 95.89 and 92.52 F1 on the datasets of PTB and CTB respectively, which shows significant improvements compared with previous approaches. Besides, our parser achieves strong and competitive cross-domain performance in zero-shot settings.
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Continual Learning, also known as Lifelong or Incremental Learning, has recently gained renewed interest among the Artificial Intelligence research community. Recent research efforts have quickly led to the design of novel algorithms able to reduce the impact of the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon in deep neural networks. Due to this surge of interest in the field, many competitions have been held in recent years, as they are an excellent opportunity to stimulate research in promising directions. This paper summarizes the ideas, design choices, rules, and results of the challenge held at the 3rd Continual Learning in Computer Vision (CLVision) Workshop at CVPR 2022. The focus of this competition is the complex continual object detection task, which is still underexplored in literature compared to classification tasks. The challenge is based on the challenge version of the novel EgoObjects dataset, a large-scale egocentric object dataset explicitly designed to benchmark continual learning algorithms for egocentric category-/instance-level object understanding, which covers more than 1k unique main objects and 250+ categories in around 100k video frames.
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Training labels for graph embedding algorithms could be costly to obtain in many practical scenarios. Active learning (AL) algorithms are very helpful to obtain the most useful labels for training while keeping the total number of label queries under a certain budget. The existing Active Graph Embedding framework proposes to use centrality score, density score, and entropy score to evaluate the value of unlabeled nodes, and it has been shown to be capable of bringing some improvement to the node classification tasks of Graph Convolutional Networks. However, when evaluating the importance of unlabeled nodes, it fails to consider the influence of existing labeled nodes on the value of unlabeled nodes. In other words, given the same unlabeled node, the computed informative score is always the same and is agnostic to the labeled node set. With the aim to address this limitation, in this work, we introduce 3 dissimilarity-based information scores for active learning: feature dissimilarity score (FDS), structure dissimilarity score (SDS), and embedding dissimilarity score (EDS). We find out that those three scores are able to take the influence of the labeled set on the value of unlabeled candidates into consideration, boosting our AL performance. According to experiments, our newly proposed scores boost the classification accuracy by 2.1% on average and are capable of generalizing to different Graph Neural Network architectures.
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Full-body reconstruction is a fundamental but challenging task. Owing to the lack of annotated data, the performances of existing methods are largely limited. In this paper, we propose a novel method named Full-body Reconstruction from Part Experts~(FuRPE) to tackle this issue. In FuRPE, the network is trained using pseudo labels and features generated from part-experts. An simple yet effective pseudo ground-truth selection scheme is proposed to extract high-quality pseudo labels. In this way, a large-scale of existing human body reconstruction datasets can be leveraged and contribute to the model training. In addition, an exponential moving average training strategy is introduced to train the network in a self-supervised manner, further boosting the performance of the model. Extensive experiments on several widely used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over the baseline. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance. Code will be publicly available for further research.
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As an effective method to deliver external materials into biological cells, microinjection has been widely applied in the biomedical field. However, the cognition of cell mechanical property is still inadequate, which greatly limits the efficiency and success rate of injection. Thus, a new rate-dependent mechanical model based on membrane theory is proposed for the first time. In this model, an analytical equilibrium equation between the injection force and cell deformation is established by considering the speed effect of microinjection. Different from the traditional membrane-theory-based model, the elastic coefficient of the constitutive material in the proposed model is modified as a function of the injection velocity and acceleration, effectively simulating the influence of speeds on the mechanical responses and providing a more generalized and practical model. Using this model, other mechanical responses at different speeds can be also accurately predicted, including the distribution of membrane tension and stress and the deformed shape. To verify the validity of the model, numerical simulations and experiments are carried out. The results show that the proposed model can match the real mechanical responses well at different injection speeds.
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